Dominick Cooper

When I started Launch Acad­emy it was for some­thing much greater than sim­ply “get­ting the A.” I wanted to help stu­dents develop a schol­arly lifestyle and real­ize their own aca­d­e­mic poten­tial. In 2011, I received the DaVinciScholar Award for Cre­ativ­ity in Edu­ca­tion and, in 2010 I was a regional win­ner for the OUCEC Con­fer­ence on edu­ca­tional design in devel­op­ing nations. I have been aUni­ver­sity Guest Speaker on edu­ca­tion, was nom­i­nated as the 2012 Young Entre­pre­neur of the Year in Tulsa, and have been and always will be an avid fan ofDis­ney World and Ital­ian food. Before Launch Acad­emy, I tutored at the col­lege level for sub­jects from Col­lege Alge­bra to Cal­cu­lus III and also taught a semes­ter of Cal­cu­lus I. In addi­tion, I planned and over­saw sev­eral com­mu­nity projects to help schools in need, includ­ing a gar­den­ing project at Mar­shall Ele­men­tary, in con­junc­tion with the Mayor’s Office. But my love for edu­ca­tion, teach­ing, and cul­tural started before that. For seven years I trav­eled to over 21 dif­fer­ent coun­tries, gain­ing an enor­mous amount of cul­tural knowl­edge and respect, which I incor­po­rate in my teach­ing. See­ing these inter­na­tional sys­tems and their prod­ucts and being a teacher myself, I know first-hand the con­cepts that teach­ers are look­ing for when test­ing and seeks out the lat­est, cutting-edge instruc­tional tools avail­able to max­i­mize his stu­dents’ learning. Launch Acad­emy teaches stu­dents not only the con­cepts they need to learn to pass their class, but also lifeskills such as cre­ativ­ity, col­lab­o­ra­tion, and per­sonal moti­va­tion. Draw­ing from the exam­ples of such indi­vid­u­als as Napoleon Hill, Sir Ken Robin­son, Tony Wag­ner, Daniel Pink, Steve Jobs, Walt Dis­ney, and oth­ers, the cur­ricu­lum is designed to develop a genius lifestyle. I believe genius is made, not born. If you wish to know more, don’t hes­i­tate to email me at with any ques­tions or com­ments you may have! BUTTON

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